'The Politics of Humanism' is both a theological and practical look at the abhorrent philosophies and doctrines of humanism. Covering a wide-range of topics like racism, immigration, gun control, the drug war, and the military industrial complex, the book seeks to both examine the faulty presuppositions of humanism, and offer up a better way, one which aligns with the totality of Scripture. Dr. Jason Garwood offers both width and depth as it pertains to the greatest rival of Christianity: humanism and its powerful god, Statism. A call to fight, Dr. Garwood gives us tools to win the battle.
'Reconstructing the Heart' is an honest look at what it means to be emotional in all the right ways. As the reader will learn, the “right” ways are determined by the ethical/judicial presuppositions and actions we use when deploying our emotions. Because of the abhorrent assumptions and influence of Greek philosophy, many Christians today are left without a proper understanding of what it means to be righteously and biblically emotional. Reconstructing the Heart is a technical and practical look at how to reclaim your emotions from the clutches of sin and bad theology. The reader will be challenged and motivated to apply the gospel of the Kingdom to all aspects of his being: mind, soul, and heart.